Saturday, November 21, 2009

Sunday Run Schedule 21 Nov 2009

Sorry for the late post.  We are dealing with injury, illness and general mayhem so tomorrow's run will deviate from a the norm.  Meeting at Tim's on Portage and Westwood at 7 am.   Bring your bike.  We'll be riding for 10k,  running 5k, then hopping back on the bike for the 10k ride back home.  Bring an extra pair of socks as there will be some maneuvering on logs to get across a small creek during the run portion.


Arch Taping

BACKGROUND INFO:  Ran 14 miles on seam awhile ago, got blisters underside of foot, ran anyway while trying to avoid landing on blisters.  This resulted in overpronation.  Kept running anyway.

RESULT: Knee sprain.

Did not receive barefoot running lecture from physiotherapist.  Suggested arch taping for support until pain resolves .   Not supposed to run until pain resolves.  I now love sports tape.

Never NEVER change your stride especially when running  barefoot or in minimalist footwear.
Not all physiotherapists are against barefoot running.

Maybe I can run a little bit until it completely heals....


Saturday, November 14, 2009

November 15th, 2009

So our long run is now going to be a hash run. 3pm. E-mail us for the address, and we'll see you there! I think I will enjoy the festivities as it is Wyett Burps birthday and it will be her first time as a hare. I am very much looking forward to the afternoon.


Thursday, November 12, 2009

Long Run Sunday, November 15th/09

So here we are again, getting closer to the weekend. Sunday is acomin'! We are planning to mix things up this weekend again and we will be joining some friends at a Hash run. One of our running friends has a birthday this weekend, G.E., and is also hosting this Hash run so we feel it is only fitting that we join in to help her celebrate. As we watch weather this week to see if we are possibly biking or running to the location, we will post where we plan to meet on our way. If you have never Hashed before, it is an experience. They describe themselves as "a drinking club with a running problem". On the only one time I have had the opportunity to attend a Hash, I discovered they were not exaggerating, and had a fantastic time.

The neat thing about the Hash is how it involves everyone. It does not matter if you are a slow runner or a fast runner, everyone is included. The most interesting thing about the experience we had was how this run parallels' a game played by the tribe in "our favorite book" Born to Run. Those who are fast take their positions in front and those who are slow have time to catch up as trails are being found. Then there are the drinking games after, during, during.......and after?!

There will be more to write about this topic later, keep posted for more info on the how we will get there.


Friday, November 6, 2009

Long Run Sunday Nov 8/09

We aim to take it easy for this run as some of us continue to recover from some aches and pains.  We'll meet at 7:30 am at Tim Horton's at Westwood and Portage.   We'll ride our bikes to the Running Room on Kenaston and Grant to run a 10K Yellow Ribbon Run in support of our troops.  There is no entry fee for this race but donations are appreciated.  Last year they raised $890 and this year they aim to raise $1000.   On the bike ride home we'll stop at Forbidden Flavours located at 851 Cavalier Dr to enjoy a nice coffee and sweet treat.

Next week we expect to be back to our usual long Sunday runs.


Sunday, November 1, 2009

Tiberias Marathon

The husband  ( who will be referred to as the B man) hits me up with the idea of going to Israel in January to run the Tiberias marathon.  He knows his best chance at  convincing me  is to plant the marathon seed.  It is an out and back where the runners travel alongside Lake Tiberias, known more commonly  as the Sea of Galilee. It will be beautiful running  weather at that time of year and so I think there
may be a chance of being convinced. A small chance.  Why?  Because I have some fears....

1. The plane crashing
2. The heart thing ( it's not an issue anymore but still)
3. Losing  the B man ( the guy is forever wandering off )
4. Jet lag.
5. Taking an entire day to complete the marathon
6. Not being able to complete the marathon
7. The Syria rocket launcher thing that sometimes happens
8. Car crash
9. Passing out on the course
10.  Running below sea level.
11. iPod dieing
12.  Me dieing

The You Tube side bar has been added.  Type in Tiberias marathon 2009 you can take a peek does look fun.
