Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Hypothermic half 2010 Winnipeg

What an amazing week! So far?....
Sunday started us off with the hypothermic half marathon, and that was an amazing day. Along the road that was set for our race trail we found some inspiration to keep us moving, thank you to whoever did this as I was most impressed.....

This was seen as we were running by and I wasn't sure I read it right so I had to go back to see it again (only on race day!), and of course get the picture. As you can tell, timing is not our focus. We are considering distance and really trying for that rather than our timing. This particular race is also making sure we add to our consistancy for distance. 2 weeks ago we did 14 miles, last week we did 6 miles so this week we came back to a 13 miler and faired well enough to see what is up this weekend. Still focussed on a distance run of personal bests in the next month. How accurate this sign is. At this point in the race things were going well, and the other signs that followed kept us smiling as we carried on. Of course we couldn't just pass by and not acknowledge the work someone had put into this great event. It was my first winter half marathon.

This is my friend! This is an appropriate sign just for her........ think big! Our excursion in a couple of weeks is her idea, of course I didn't say no!....

I am finding it hard to run without a smile! I can't say thank you enough to whoever went to all this work! I had such a great day and this really topped it off for me....... and it was all before 10am!

This is what it says.>>

Definitely someone who runs was here. I find it interesting how running can parallel living.

And how true these signs are...

If you were out there you know they were placed along the trail on page 2 of the run map, to greet us and to inspire us along the way. Again, Thank You!

One last photo to show off what an extraordinary day we all had out there, this is less than 2 miles from the finish as we are almost home.
Of course in my mind I'm wondering where all these hills came from out here in Winnipeg?
Have a great rest of the week and we will hopefully see you out there.... Sunday?

1 comment:

  1. Sorry, would love too, but I'm watching the kids, have a great run!
