Saturday, June 26, 2010

Long Run Sunday June 27/10

We will meet 5 am at the same location.  We don't have a destination or distance in mind as Nicole is practicing  her  'winging it' skills.  There will be some forests involved, and hopefully some wildlife too.  Safe to say we will run more than 10 miles, but less than 25.   Sorry for the flaky post!  It must be summertime.....


  1. I have not joined you guys in a while. This weekend I am doing the Pain in the ASSiniboine race so I won't make it again.
    Hope to see you soon.

  2. we were planning to meet you at the start off point and cheer you on, but got side tracked at a greek restaurant and decided to have breakfast instead. Hope you had a great race and didn't get swarmed by any mosquitos.
