Here it is, the end of another year. Tomorrow begins a new year, 2011.
I like to reflect on a year; see what lessons' I've learned well, and recognize others that I know will be back to test me again. I'm also not one for 'resolutions', but I do like to goal set. Maybe it's because I like to plan that it is I like to goal set. Reflecting gives me a place to see where it is I've come from, how far I have made it along the journey, and the goal setting gives me something to reach for over the next little while. Then it will be time to begin again, sometimes it is easy to recognize this as a daily pattern, but today being December 31st I will see it as a yearly one. Until tomorrow morning anyways.
As I met with a very close friend (sister) tonight, I was reminded of the JOY of the journey. Sometimes it takes effort to find joy in the journey, especially when we aren't finding it to be travelled as quickly as we would like, or that maybe we are travelling so quickly that we are caught up in the time flying when we finally slow to check out the scenery we are lost in what we have missed. Our lives are the journey. There is no one destination that we will get to and stay at, until we meet our Maker. Joy has been created for us to find and experience along our journey, until we get home.
Wishing you all JOY to fill your lives along your journey into another year that is filled with awesome experiences; to keep you smiling, loving, living, (running).
As I leave this post I would like to end with another blogger finish, (as my prayers go out to another friend who is soon to be meeting with her Father, Lord and Saviour) I hope you don't mind Mike, and thank you for the reminder with every read of your blog........
It is a great day to be alive!
good 5.5
2 days ago