Wow! what a week!
From one thing to the next, and there was time to schedule things that I never thought I would have the time to do. At these times in our lives we find our priorities. What is really important, what needs to wait, what can we start and hand off to be finished (delegation I believe this is called), and what needs to be finished. Who do we need to see, spend time with, care for.
After all this talk about Fargo and then making a commitment to Vulture Bait I'm left thinking that I really need to suck it up and get with the program! Running Sunday mornings at 5am is not necessarily by choice, it just happens to be the time that is available to run. If we want to go for a 4 hour run then that is the time we must start, all the time knowing that 4 hours is going to be 5 hours and there must be coffee along the way or at the end of trail. Gail had mentioned in a blog about getting more serious about the running. Really giving more of that inner athlete effort, giving it her all..... you know.... the end of the race where you collapse and fall over because there is nothing left in the tank? This has inspired me to see how much more I have for these runs.
A little while ago, as I was considering an ultra, I decided that I know I'm not fast so I wonder just how far could I go. Mostly as a runner I feel I'm the turtle. Slow and steady... At Fargo I completed my first full marathon and kept my pace very steady for the first 18 miles (about a 12 min mile), with a little struggle to get to the 20 mile marker where things really started to slow down. (finishing with a 13 min mile average) Now I'm wondering if I could get used to the distance and keep that steady for the whole 26.2+ a few more? Maybe one day double the distance, keeping the pace of course?
Training is where I think I need the help, as we have mostly been building up the mileage over the past year, as well as getting used to the less cushioned footwear. We started road kill this week and I so enjoyed being pushed (mostly as I tried to keep out of the way). Now I know that any of the speed training I was trying on my own has not really been done correctly. I know of soooooo many people who have done the personal trainer stuff that I thought I would maybe look into this. There are so many gyms, trainers, boot camps, where to start? I have been involved in one or two programs over the past couple of years. There is something I have missed, not sure what it is, but there is a piece or two to this puzzle that I just have not quite found yet.
A friend of mine recommended that I check out Elite performance center, this is where she trains and she loves it. (Not to mention how awesome she looks, and in an extremely healthy way!) So I did. My inquiries led me to an application process that surprised me in the thoroughness of information that was required. It made me look at how I was eating (still too much processed junk food) and drinking (not enough water?! or wine for that matter?). Unfortunately this was a week that I took off after the Fargo run so I did no activity, but it made me think about how I want to track my training over the next little while. (I can't wait to see Gail's training book soon as she has the neatest ideas) Then there was a fitness assessment! WOW!! I'm not sure how to describe this hour, but it told me allot!
This is a really great place, everyone was so friendly, kind, and excited to be there..... and this was the staff! The lady who conducted the assessment was great in recognizing my unfamiliarity with a gym set up and was helpful in showing me what I needed to do and what she would be doing to assist me if I needed. Aside from her friendliness, she was motivating, in a positive, make you want to go the extra mile kinda way. I think I'm most grateful that she didn't break out laughing as I attempted to do a chin-up (which was me hanging there), but instead created a situation where I felt comfortable and motivated to not give-up. Then she assisted me in continuing on and trying to accomplish one with her help. I can't remember when I ever really wanted to do a chin-up,.....oh yeah it was Wednesday! Again I was surprised by the thoroughness of the assessment, and two days later I could still feel every muscle covered in the workout! After taking notes on each thing there was measurements to do as well, then she helped stretch me. This was interesting?! The small things really stand out, she took the time to explain that I would be sore the next day and that ice would be helpful (I was prepared with a massage booked for the next morning) and that was normal. Apparently it is not uncommon to need to vomit during this assessment as well (glad I didn't know that going in).
I was impressed with the depth of inquiry, and knowledge as well as the attitudes and helpfulness, and of course how comfortable I felt while I was there (this is unusual for me in any new environment). After the assessment was over it was time to book an appointment for coming back to see what the program was going to look like. Jeff Fisher came over to talk with me and wee sat and he mentioned what the time commitments and costs would be. It was great to see the level of commitment needed to accomplish his program. I would need 4 days a week with around 60-90 min each. Unfortunately I have been unable to find the time to commit to this schedule, but there will be a time where I will be able to train this intensely.... I can hardly wait! On the top of my goal list, training at Elite has been added. Currently I have only found 3-4 days where if I can fit in a 30 min, an hour and a long run at 4-5 hours.... I'm ahead. I found the website to be interestingly intimidating, but have enjoyed fish's blog, he really loves what he's doing and it shows though in the blog and the culture at the facility.
So now I can see where what I'm doing has not been working as effectively as I would like. As it has mostly been cardio, I am looking to change things up, get more serious (will still be stopping to take pictures) and plan more early morning work outs with more weights as well.
Have a fantastic week!
good 5.5
3 days ago
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