I wish I was still in denial! Reality is not all they say it is! I don't have to be happy about it!
This week I have had to learn a new (or old) lesson several times. It seems that I really am struggling with this one. I have heard it said that the lessons we are to learn come at us and we will not progress to the next one until we've got this one down. I think I have been trying to ignore (live in denial) this particular lesson. The lesson itself comes from a quote...
Proverbs 27:1 "Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring forth."
I have been working on this all week! I am a planner, I love to plan what I am doing, how I am going to go about doing it, right down to the route I will take to get some place. Frustration comes on easily when something gets in the way of my plans, and I am learning to deal with how my frustration comes out of me.
eg.1.Monday morning was suppose to look like: get C to daycare, T to school, the car into the shop for more work, go for a nice long run while I wait, get some chores done, pick up T from school, take T to swim lessons, get C from daycare, get back to T, then home for dinner, and an uneventful evening to look forward to.
Reality dictated: C slammed his foot in the door as we were getting ready to leave the house, no shoes on! So T goes to school almost late because it takes some time to sooth a small screaming child. (it was an owey of a hurt) Cancelled the car appointment and had to call the daycare to let them know we would not be in today, run to the children's hospital (my doc doesn't work on Monday's, and where else do you take an under three year old?) to find out if his foot is broken. Spent three hours there (wow, that was pretty quick), but seeing as we are down town we called my husband to see if he would like to go for lunch. He's not in, so my girlfriend will come out instead. Nice lunch! then off to take C to the zoo, as I have had nothing planned for us and I have a pass so it is inexpensive and it will give us both some outside time together. Make it home in time to mow the lawn (last one for the season I figure) then off to get T and to his lesson we go. My husband meets us there so I get a few minutes to watch T, then home for a nice evening, as my husband absconds with the car to run back to get more work done. Mowing the lawn is not the chores I thought I would get done but it fits into that category, and T got to his lesson, and thankfully C's foot was fine, sore but not broken.
Tuesday was nice. Our first 5am morning run. 9 miles slow and easy, great conversation, not bad weather. It was so nice that I plan another 7 miles for us tomorrow.... Which brings us to...
Wednesday morning where my husband informs me that I need to be home a bit early, as I am out I pull a muscle in my foot and only get in 5.5 miles where half of it is walking! After I get home I look for some encouragement in a book of inspiration I love, and I find the above quote!
I am not impressed.
But the rest of my day carries on as I go from one moment to the next trying to accomplish a bit of the schedule I had planned for the day. The important things get done and others do not, and I have this quote in my mind all day. I am in denial at this point that I will probably not run in the morning because I have found this new muscle I my foot and it is protesting the thought of a 5 am run. I send an e-mail to G.O. that I will not be able to run Thursday morning.
Thursday is nice and fairly uneventful, not too far off my plan for the day. I am busy at work, staying on schedule. Can not wait to get out for a run Friday morning.
So here we are Friday morning, we got in 5 miles, and I am looking at my schedule and wondering if I need to throw it out the window to acknowledge the fact that I'm getting it. Maybe if I just let the Lord know that I will try to be more flexible, I am working on it, and I will try not to get so frustrated with the world when I don't get my way. I will keep it in mind.....
So this is how I learn my lessons, along the runs. As I now need to take a day off (tomorrow) from running as I sit here typing with an ice pack on my foot (running in denial is something that you all know about!). Keeping in mind that the plan was to run every day this week........
See quote above!
So my plan for today is ...........
I am going to send the plan for Sunday morning though, keeping in mind ...see quote above... We are going to meet at the Daily Grind coffee shop at 7am. Our route is about 12-13 miles, we are running slowly as our fast runner is unable to attend. There will be some walk breaks, and we may cut it short to avoid injury. There will be turn around on route if you would like to do some but not all the mileage. All are welcome.
good 5.5
3 days ago
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